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At Altona Meadows Primary School, all students participate in weekly Physical Education classes. We aim to develop the learner’s confidence, coordination and physical development through a range of fun, high energy and engaging activities. There is a consistent focus in character development and sportsmanship. We at AMPS encourage students to interact with each other is a positive and respectful manner. 


Prep-2: This term the focus for Grades Prep-2 will be establishing class procedures, Fundamental Movement skills (running, jumping, hopping, galloping, crawling and balancing) incorporated with animal movements. The students will also engage in hula hoop activities and bean bag balancing. In addition to this, our Preps will also participate in Perceptual Motor Programme (PMP).


3&4: This term the focus for Grades 3&4 will be establishing Class procedures, Fine Motor Skills and Manipulative skills which include running, relay running, mini-hurdles, throwing, catching, bouncing, dribbling and passing.


5&6: This term the focus for Grades 5&6 will be establishing class procedures, fitness test and games skills basketball, cricket, hockey, mini-tennis and t-ball. On top of this they will participate in 5/6 Sports.


Laverton District Events

Laverton District Swimming: 2nd or 7th March 2023

Laverton District Sports- Basketball, Hockey, Tennis, Cricket and Tee-ball: 29th March to 4th April 2023


In addition to the weekly physical education lessons, the students in AMPS also participate in swimming carnival, track and field carnival, cross country, summer and winter sports (soccer, basketball, t-ball, AFL, netball, softball, cricket, tennis, volleyball). 


Specialist Teachers (Top then Left to Right):

Mrs Capri (Team Leader)

Mr C

Mr Hall

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